
Yahoo Football: Swag

All the purple swag.


Yahoo tasked us to create premium swag to give away at the San Fransisco 49er's stadium following their recent Feel the Wins campaign. They were looking for products that would not only look great, but provide a service for the guests so they wouldn't, in turn, just throw it away after the game like a koozie. 


Bluetooth Item and People Tracker

It’s hard enough keeping track of where you are in the stadium, never mind keeping track of your family and friends. The Yahoo tracker makes it easy to track and find your family, friends, keys, Pembroke Welsh Corgi adorned with a 49ers bandana, and your recently purchased All Beef Hotdog if they, or you, get lost.


Clip-On Smartphone Zoom Lens

So, yeah, you purchased the cheap seats. No big deal, now that Yahoo gave you that awesome clip on lens for your phone. It transformed your simple iPhone lens into a DSLR camera, giving you perfect shots no matter where you are sitting.


Fidget Spinner of Victory

Rowdy fans and screaming kids are fun and all, but you need to be able to focus on the game. Your drafts depend on it. So, thanks to Yahoo, you can fidget all you want, right on your fingertips thanks to their Fidget Spinners of Victory. Also, they double as bottle openers, so that’s cool.


Season Swag

First, it’s hot. Then, it’s really hot. Then, out of flippin’ nowhere, it’s freezing out. No wonder Yahoo needed to make seasonal swag. It’s super sunny and hot on Thanksgiving Day? Thank the football gods for the solar phone charger. It’s still 92 degrees at a 9pm game? Personal smartphone fan to the proverbial rescue. Suddenly, thanks to mother nature, it’s 50 degrees with high winds? Thank you Yahoo for getting us gloves that work with our smartphones.


Yahoo Spectacles

Now you can capture the 49er's victory in all it's glory and brag to all your friends about your amazing 3rd row seat. Thank you Yahoo and Snapchat. 



Creative Credit:
Sean Diaz
Rui Ma